Our Ten-Day Disney Trip (With Lizzy) In The RV - Day Three

Thank you for all the encouraging messages about our Lizzy but most of all for your prayers.  She is still having trouble with that right hip but I think we have managed her pain.

We were on the bus a little after 9:00 and Damon was not feeling it.  Animal Kingdom opens at 9:00 so he was behind scheduleā€¦apparently.  Jack bought a Wookie dart gun last night and brought it with him this morning. I wanted to tell him to not cock it because if he pulls the trigger, it would make a noise that could scare Lizzy into a seizure.  Why didnā€™t I tell him?  Because that is EXACTLY what happened.  It popped and she had a seizure.  Then I wanted to say to Jack, ā€œway to go, have you learned nothing about Lizzy?ā€ I didnā€™t because the look on his face told me he felt so bad. 

Jack and his wookie gun.  He loves it. Lizzy hates it:-)

I am strolling Lizzy up to the front of the park and Damon and the kids are speed walking.  I hate being left behind, but Damon has a bright green shirt on so I can spot him easily. I say to Liz, there he is and I look down to her having ANOTHER seizure. Dog gone it Liz!  Pull it together girl!! I find some shade and get real close and start singing to her. It takes about a minute and we are on our way to now find Damon. 

He is waiting with the kids for us.  Thank you babe.  I have anxiety with being in these parks with Lizzy by myself.  We went to Florida in April and had panic attacks trying to get out of the parks to get Lizzy back to the camper for her lunch and nap.

We start with the Dinosaur ride. Lizzy and I just wait in the shade.  Our data rolled over today, so we can listen to the Barney station on PandoraJ Happy girl.

Damon takes Em and goes on Everest while Jack helps me with Lizzy in the Nemo Musical.  She loved it.  Anytime there is singing, Lizzy does well. We get seated next to a woman in her scooter and I get worried Lizzy will be too loud.  This is always a concern. So I am trying to get Lizzy to quiet down and I finally just say to her, I am sorry, she enjoys this so much she canā€™t contain herself.  I hate that I do that. Itā€™s not embarrassment; itā€™s concern for others. I donā€™t want to make others uncomfortable.

Great show. Lizzy did well.

We keep her hydrated and fed. Then head to the train. Whatā€™s nice is when the operators see a handicapped child, they really are accommodating. We get wheeled up to the front and right on.  She obviously loved it.

We are going to the safari and get a little worried about all the bumping around.  We donā€™t want to put her in pain.  It was a VERY bumpy ride. Can you see how much she hated it!! LOL

We head back to the campground around 3:00 and she eats and lies down for two hours.  We have not let her stand or walk all day.  I tried once and it wasnā€™t happening.  So we carry her in and out of camper and transferring her from her stroller to the bus.  She weighs 85 pounds.  I take her for another long walk tonight and she goes down around 8:00. 

Today was a great day.  Day three down!  Lots of memories!

I say"look here guys" and this is what I get. Darn Safari!


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