My First Commission From Green Compass
This is so weird for me to post something like this. We have been in our new venture since July. Ok, so what? Well, I have been promoting a few of the products that have really and truly helped with our family and friends ailments. We have used them with our children and have seen more energy and less complaining. When we first got in, we talked about the financial side of it very little. It wasn't the reason we got in. We heard about what it can do for us and the people we love that it was a no brainer.
Remember when I said that James needed a bigger car seat? Well Damon was at Target the other night and asked if I wanted him to pick one up. I said no and that I have to research some big ones for our tank
So I went on to Amazon to start looking. Ummmm, they are like $250-$300....just for the car seat. Well, since we were given ours (thank you 
. Knowing that isn't possible, I started to think about how I can get one without starting a dang go fund me account
. Damon was looking at the "not tank size" car seats
so they were a lot less.

Paul T Hudacko
and Jessica Baransky Hudacko
), we like a price tag of zero dollars

I kid you not when I say this. I happen to look at my email and notice something from our company. It said your "preloaded card of $150 was ready". And another email that said another one with $200 was ready!!!! Man....when God shows up..he shows the perfect time!!! I transferred that money to my account yesterday! I literally have not pushed or begged anyone to buy or even get into it along with us, even though it is a ground floor company. I just am not that kind of person, but apparently this stuff sells itself. Why? It is a quality product that people have been waiting for. How often do we get something that really works like it should? But I was happy to offer it to people and they were happy to buy a good, organic, quality product. And because of that, I have enough to buy a tank size car seat.
If you are looking for some extra income, let's chat. Hey, an extra $100 a month would be a great night out!
This is the #1 item that I sell. Works on your aches and pains immediately!